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July 31, 2020 Ryukyu Shimpo
Nanjo – On July 30, an announcement on the Kudaka Island, Nanjo website called for visitors to refrain from coming to the island to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. The request takes effect on August 1 and will continue for the time being. The announcement asked for everyone’s cooperation, emphasizing that Kudaka Island has a large elderly population and a fragile healthcare system, and that infections there would be an “emergency that would...
July 25, 2020 Ryukyu Shimpo
On the evening of July 24, just after the date one year before the planned start of the Tokyo Olympics, which were postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic, fireworks were launched simultaneously around the country in the hope of adding a bit of brightness and...
July 27, 2020 Ryukyu Shimpo
Okinawa City—On July 16, the Okinawa City Tourism and Products Promotion Association (chaired by Takashi Shimabukuro) concluded its 15th tour-guide training program, which aims to cultivate leaders to disseminate Okinawa City’s diverse culture and history. With...
July 26, 2020 Ryukyu Shimpo
Fourteen new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Okinawa on July 25, the most single-day cases announced by the prefecture so far. Meanwhile, Okinawa prefecture has come to understand that there are a total of 229 cases from U.S. military personnel on the island,...
July 22, 2020 Ryukyu Shimpo
Nanjo – On July 21, which corresponds to June 1 on the old lunisolar calendar, a catch of suku (baby rabbit fish), also called the “ocean bonus” was hauled in to Ojima Island in Tamagusuku, Nanjo. Stores on the island that sell the fish were bustling with locals...
July 24, 2020 Ryukyu Shimpo
According to the latest National Lifestyle Survey conducted by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the childhood poverty rate in Japan is at 13.5%, meaning one in seven children live in poverty. The result indicates no improvement was made since the previous...
July 23, 2020 Ryukyu Shimpo
It came to this newspaper’s attention that the Cooperative Associations of Naha Kokusai Dori Shopping Street conducted an examination on July 20 and 21 into the closing of 40 shops on Kokusai Dori (International Street) in Naha City due to the spread of the...
July 21, 2020 Ryukyu Shimpo
On July 15, the Okinawa Chubu Central Hospital started collecting specimens for antibody surveys to be carried out by the Okinawa Prefectural Government in partnership with the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) for a survey of the state of coronavirus...
July 17, 2020 Ryukyu Shimpo
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) in Onna Village collaborated with the T-shirt brand HabuBox to create a capsule collection of kariyushi wear. A photoshoot was held on campus on July 7. The exclusive designs are based on the...
July 18, 2020 Ryukyu Shimpo
Ishigaki – Fishermen from Ishigaki engaged on a two-day shark hunt on July 13 and 14 in the ocean around Ishigaki island. Over the course of the two days, they caught a total of 145 sharks, including species such as tiger sharks, silvertip sharks, and tawny nurse...
July 17, 2020 Ryukyu Shimpo.
Upon receiving news that cases of persons infected with the novel coronavirus are being confirmed one after another on U.S. military bases, residents of municipalities in the north-central part of Okinawa Island are making one inquiry after another. As apprehension...