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Asiana Airlines starts flights between Naha and Busan

Asiana Airlines starts flights between Naha and Busan

November 15, 2013 Ryukyu Shimpo

South Korean carrier Asiana Airlines commenced flights between Naha and Busan on November 14. These new regular flights follow on from the service operating between Naha and Seoul. The new service will offer round-trip services on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday of each week.

The airline uses Airbus A320 Family aircraft fitted with 155 seats. The load factor of the flight from Busan to Naha on the first day was 53.5 percent, with 72.9 percent in the flight from Naha to Busan. The Okinawa branch of Asiana Airlines is aiming to achieve a load factor of 75 percent.

The opening flight ceremony was held at Naha Airport International Terminal building. Yoshiyuki Uehara, the head of the Okinawa Convention & Visitors Bureau, and Seijun Wakukawa, the head of the Department of Culture, Tourism and Sports of the Okinawa Prefectural Government took part.

Seok-je Kim, the head of Okinawa branch of Asiana Airlines, said, “Okinawa is the closest subtropical resort area to South Korea. I want many Okinawan people to take advantage of these flights because Busan is the second-largest city in Korea, and has quite a different culture to that of Seoul.”

(English translation by T&CT, Mark Ealey)

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Pre-Trade Fair for Okinawa Great Trade Fair

Pre-Trade Fair for Okinawa Great Trade Fair

November 15, 2013 Ryukyu Shimpo

The pre-trade fair for the Okinawa Great Trade Fair, the largest international business convention for food suppliers in Japan, started at the Okinawa Convention Center in Ginowan on November 14.

Twenty-three buyers from outside Okinawa and 79 from abroad took part in the two-day event. Seventy companies from Okinawa and another 61 from outside the prefecture participated in the fair to promote their products.

At the opening ceremony, Kunio Oroku, the head of the fair’s executive committee, said, “International trade has been developing dramatically. We need to apply ourselves to new challenges in human and commodity-level exchange in Asia.”

Okinawa Vice Governor Kurayoshi Takara read a statement on behalf of Governor Hirokazu Nakaima. He said, “Okinawa used to be a ‘Bridge between nations’ in the Ryukyu Kingdom era, so we want the prefecture to use its geographical advantages to become an international hub.” Takara continued, “We hope that the fair will contribute to promoting economic development in Japan and Asia.”

A symposium focusing on Okinawa’s vision for the logistics hub followed the fair.

(English translation by T&CT, Mark Ealey)

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Migratory birds at pond at Tomigusuku

Migratory birds at pond at Tomigusuku

November 8, 2013 Ryukyu Shimpo

The migration of birds is gathering momentum with birds gathering at waterways around Okinawa. On November 7, black-faced spoonbills, an endangered species listed in the Red Data Book, black-winged stilts, and ducks were seen picking at food and preening their feathers at the Sankaku Pond in Yone, Tomigusuku.

Kozo Hashimoto, a member of a nature protection group, says that some black-faced spoonbills arrived at the Sankaku Pond in October. Five birds that he observed on the 7th had newly arrived in November. He says many more are yet to come. “The amount of rubbish has increased in the pond because of the typhoons that have hit the islands. We need to maintain a clean environment so as to be able welcome these birds safely.”

(English translation by T&CT, Hitomi Shinzato and Mark Ealey)

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Agent Orange second-generation victim urges Okinawa to conduct health survey

Agent Orange second-generation victim urges Okinawa to conduct health survey

November 12, 2013 Ryukyu Shimpo

Agent Orange second-generation victim Heather Bowser gave a lecture at the Okinawa Prefectural Assembly on November 11. Her late father was a Vietnam War veteran and a victim of the defoliant known as Agent Orange. She was born without a right leg below the knee, the big toe on her left foot and several fingers.

Dioxins have been detected recently in barrels unearthed in a soccer field in Okinawa City. Bowser urged the authorities to carry out health surveys for residents living near bases and for Okinawan workers at the U.S. bases, including those already retired. During the panel discussion that followed the lecture, Jon Mitchell, a freelance journalist who has interviewed U.S. military veterans who are Agent Orange victims, commented that herbicides were used at least fifteen bases in Okinawa.

At the Okinawa Prefectural Assembly in Naha on November 11, Heather Bowser stressed the risk posed by defoliants.

Bowser stressed that people who ignore the problem will in effect become accomplices of the U.S. government, adding that nothing will change unless residents take action. She said that Vietnam veterans suffered from serious health issues such as ischemic heart disease, cancer, and Parkinson’s disease. She suggested that if such diseases had occurred among a particular age group and in certain regions in Okinawa, it would provide a clue towards proving the storage or use of Agent Orange. The U.S. government has insisted that it did not use Agent Orange in Okinawa, but Bowser warned that residents would be exposed to defoliants forever if they merely waited for the government to change its stance. She recommended that in cooperation with medical institutions, Okinawa set up a desk to provide a consultation service for possible victims of defoliants.

Mitchell criticized the U.S. Department of Defense for hiding the facts about Agent Orange. He said that the U.S. government should tell the truth, and that the contamination of bases is a criminal act against the people of Okinawa.

(English translation by T&CT, Mark Ealey)

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Almost all Nago citizens oppose reclamation proposal

Almost all Nago citizens oppose reclamation proposal

November 8, 2013 Ryukyu Shimpo

On November 7, the Nago City Office revealed that 99 percent of 2,500 public comments they had received were opposed to the reclamation proposal to move U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma to Henoko in Nago. The Japanese government has applied to the Okinawa Prefectural Government for permission to reclaim land off Henoko.

In a meeting that day, Mayor Susumu Inamine mentioned that statements opposing the reclamation plan accounted for the vast majority of public comments. He said, “I do not think that Governor Nakaima can ignore such a level of opposition. We want to encourage him to say no to the reclamation plan.”

The Nago City Office invited people to submit statements of opinion until the end of October. The office intended to take these into account when giving the mayor’s opinion, which the prefectural government has requested be filed by November 29. Among the public comment, opinions in favor of the reclamation project numbered just a dozen or so. Mayor Inamine explained that the majority of the people’s comments reflected concern about destruction of the natural environment, negative impact on the living environment, aircraft noise and the danger of crashes. He said, “The comments reflect the opinions of those living around Camp Schwab, where the new base is scheduled to be constructed.”

(English translation by T&CT, Lima Tokumori and Mark Ealey)

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Drying dolphinfish in the sun in Kunigami

Drying dolphinfish in the sun in Kunigami

November 11, 2013 Ryukyu Shimpo

The drying of dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus, otherwise known as mahi-mahi) in the sun, an autumn tradition in Kunigami Village, has begun. The birthplace of this tradition is Ginama Fishing Port. In the afternoon on November 8, local fishermen and residents delicately hung up dolphinfish that had been cut open and dried on poles set to face north. About 40 dolphinfish were lined up on the poles swinging gently against the backdrop of the autumn sky.

In the early morning, the fishermen caught the dolphinfish using payaos (artificial floating rafts where fish congregate) and pickled them in salt for about an hour. They then cut the fish open and dried them for a day and a half from the afternoon. The villagers carry out the drying of dolphinfish in the sun from October to the following January when the wind is blowing from the north. In Ginama this year it started on November 1.

Ginama Ward Mayor Ritsuzen Yamanoha said, “The drying of dolphinfish started a little late this year, but the quantity is about the same as the average year.”

(English translation by T&CT, Mark Ealey)

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100th All Okinawa Bullfighting Tournament

100th All Okinawa Bullfighting Tournament

November 11, 2013 Ryukyu Shimpo

The Okinawa Prefectural Bullfighting Federation and the Ryukyu Shimpo held the 100th All Okinawa Togyu (Bullfighting) Autumn Tournament at the Ishikawa Multipurpose Dome on November 10. Twenty-six bulls competed in 13 bouts in the largest bullfighting event in Okinawa. The defending champions defeated the challengers in every weight class.

This event marked the 100th occasion that autumn and spring tournaments have been held since its establishment in 1962. About 5,000 fans and tourists attended the event, excitedly cheering on the bulls as they smacked head first into one another.

In the open-class championship, Furugen Motors☆Wakariki defeated debutant Oyawakadaisho in a bout that lasted 3 minutes and 54 seconds, thereby keeping the champion’s flag in his first title defense.

In the under 970-kilogram middle-weight class, current champion Toshohayate defended his title for the fourth time, defeating Hachinantogairaimu. Ryujinjanaoyakata got though his first title defense in the under 850-kilogram light-weight class.

By successfully defending his title, Furugen Motors☆Wakariki is recognized as the strongest bull in Okinawa. His owner, Masahide Sakugawa, said, “I am happy to say the least. It is marvelous to be able to win the 100th tournament. We worked very hard to achieve this.”

Sakugawa said, “Wakariki fought just as I hoped he would. I thought that he would win if he could fight on his terms.”

Sakugawa started working in bullfighting 20 years ago and won the 75th tournament in 2000. Because they are similar in facial appearance and physique, he gave Wakariki the same name as a bull that used to win tournaments.

In preparation for the competition, Sakugawa trained his bull as he always does. He said, “It is important to fix the weak points in your bull’s fighting style. I want him to be able to continue defending his title.”

(English translation by T&CT, Mark Ealey)

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OPG asks Defense Bureau another 73 questions on Henoko landfill

November 9, 2013 Ryukyu Shimpo

On November 8, the Okinawa Prefectural Government (OPG) sent a further 73 questions (20 items) to the Okinawa Defense Bureau on the landfill in Henoko, Nago. The questions include those on the impact of reclamation work and sediment procurement on endangered species of dugong and sea turtle that inhabit the coast of Henoko. The deadline for the government reply is November 20. The OPG is examining the content of the application for the landfill submitted by the central government, which is pushing to build an alternative facility at Henoko for U.S. Marine Corp Air Station Futenma. These are follow-up questions from the OPG to the Defense Bureau on the landfill application and the OPG intends to review the content of the application until there no questions remain. OPG officials said that they would consider the following a further round of questions if the response from the Defense Bureau still requires clarification. The answers to the questions may well affect the timing of determining whether or not the governor will approve the landfill. Okinawa Governor Hirokazu Nakaima has stated that he will make his decision no earlier than December 2013.

On October 4, the OPG submitted 73 questions (31 items) to the Defense Bureau. After the OPG reviewed the bureau’s response received on October 25 it then submitted 25 reworded questions (11 items) and 48 new questions (nine items). In the first response, regarding the shortage of sediment supply, the bureau explained that it has access to an amount of debris or waste stones for the landfill that exceeds the planned level of procurement. The OPG then asked the Defense Bureau to provide information on the exact volume of stockpiled debris material. It also asked who will investigate whether the sediment, which the bureau plans to purchase from other prefectures, includes harmful substances or not.

As for traces of seaweed having been eaten by dugongs, which have been identified as inhabiting the sea off Henoko, the Defense Bureau explained in their first response that the animals use of the seagrass beds of Henoko was limited. The OPG responded by asking the bureau to give the grounds for this explanation. The OPG has sent additional questions, such as the impact on sea turtles that have been confirmed as coming ashore on the coast.

(English translation by T&CT, Mark Ealey)

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JSDF sends Missile Regiment to Naha during drill to recapture islands

JSDF sends Missile Regiment to Naha during drill to recapture islands

November 8, 2013 Ryukyu Shimpo

On November 7, Japan Ground Self-Defense Force 4th Surface-to-Surface Missile Regiment (90 personnel) arrived at Naha Port on board a civilian transport ship. This is part of the Ground, Maritime and Air Self-Defense Forces exercises to recapture islands. Thirty vehicles are ready at the Ground Self-Defense Force Garrison Naha.

According to the Self-Defense Forces, the regiment deployed to Naha is a missile unit normally stationed in Hachinohe in Aomori Prefecture. After the ship docked in Naha Port at 7:00 p.m. on November 7, they unloaded the missile launcher vehicles and on November 8, the Self-Defense Forces will bring in more vehicles and supplies.

Civic groups held a protest rally in Naha Port in the evening of November 7. About 50 people took part in the rally, voicing their opposition to the drill, yelling, “Stop the exercise! It will increase tension in Asia.” The protesters sat on the road to stop the vehicles loaded with goods from leaving the port but the police cleared away them resulting in a chaotic scene for a short while.

Hiroji Yamashiro, chairman of the Okinawa Peace Movement Center, said, “Armed conflict may occur if this goes ahead. Okinawa will become the battlefield. We will continue to raise our voices in opposition to create a peaceful island.”

(English translation by T&CT, Mark Ealey)

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Ishigaki Island will not hold triathlon events next year

Ishigaki Island will not hold triathlon events next year

November 7, 2013 Ryukyu Shimpo

On November 6, the Ishigaki Triathlon 2013 organizing committee unanimously decided not to hold the Ishigaki ITU Triathlon World Cup 2014 and the Ishigaki Triathlon 2014. The committee will review the timing of the events and the course, and has not decided when the events will recommence. Explaining the decision, the committee referred to the need to reexamine the lack of accommodation due to the increase in inbound tourists following the opening the New Ishigaki Airport. They will also review the competition course because of the increased volume of traffic.  

Other events such as the professional baseball team Lotte Marine’s training camp and the Ishigaki Marathon are the focus of the efforts of the organizing committee in the City Office, which will review the nature of the organizing committee and relevant management structures.

Executive director of the Japan Triathlon Association, Shinichiro Otsuka, said, “It is a heartbreaking decision to suspend the event. We will continue to think 20 years ahead to research the situation and bring it back.”

Ishigaki Mayor Yoshitaka Nakayama explained, “It is not the end, it is a break to allow for further development. We will create even better events.”

The Ishigaki World Cup, in which the world’s top athletes compete, has been held 18 consecutive years until 2013 and the Ishigaki Triathlon, in which many ordinary citizens compete, has been held a total of 26 times. There was a break in 1995 to review the competition course.

(English translation by T&CT, Megumi Chibana and Mark Ealey)

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Okinawan company starts selling “photic curtain”

Okinawan company starts selling

November 8, 2013 Ryukyu Shimpo

The building company Future Planning has started selling a product called “photic curtain.” This is a window glass that becomes invisible inside by shining light-emitting diode light onto the whole glass. Kanehide Aluminum Industry Co., Ltd. will cooperate to produce and sell the glass. While the price is about 80,000 yen per square meter, 50 percent higher than that of ordinary glass, this will decrease for volume purchases.

Sumitomo Chemical Acrylic Sales, a subsidiary of Sumitomo Chemical, which co-developed the glass, Kanehide and Future Planning held a press conference at the Okinawa Prefectural Government office on November 7.

The glass enables people to see outside from inside. It turns into a mirror from the outside during the day, and is invisible inside at night because of the light-emitting diode light. The glass comes in about 250 colors.

The manufacturer places a transparent acrylic board between two pieces of glass to make the glass evenly bright. It is five to eight millimeters thicker than normal glass.

Kanehide plans to sell the product for use in houses, hotels and offices, shopping malls both in and outside Okinawa. The manufacturer is applying for a Japanese and global patent for the glass. The company aims to sell the product overseas in future.

The president of Future Planning, Tsuyoshi Nohara, is considering advertising by highlighting characters on the glass with the light. He said, “We want to add value to the product by developing its uses.”

(English translation by T&CT, Mark Ealey)

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