Okinawan among artists to win Oscar for animated film Frozen

Hiroki Itokazu holding an Oscar statue (Photograph from Itokazu's facebook page).
March 5, 2014 Shoichiro Yonamine of Ryukyu Shimpo
Los Angeles resident and CGI(Computer-Generated Image) artist Hiroki Itokazu,from Kumejima, participated in creating Disney’s animated film Frozen. The film won the Academy Award for the best animated feature film at the 86th Annual Academy Awards on March 2.
Along with fellow artists who created the film, Itokazu grabbed an Oscar statue. He said, “If you work towards your dream, your dream will come true.”
Frozen is an American 3D computer-animated film loosely based on Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale The Snow Queen.
Itokazu works at the Walt Disney Animation Studios to make 3D CGI models. Itokazu said, “In 3D modeling, I create 3D models based on two-dimension sketches of characters and backgrounds created by designers.” He and other artists, including animaters, work together to make their projects.
In Frozen, Itokazu created a frozen King’s castle, snow-covered town and ice pillars.
Every week, Itokazu carries out online teaching for 3d modeling to junior high school and high school students at Kumejima High School in his hometown.
Yukio Nakamura, who is a childhood friend of Itokazu and came up with the idea of the 3d modeling class, said, “Itokazu’s achievement has encouraged the children of Okinawa.”
(English translation by T&CT)
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