Archive for the Editorial Category

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〈Editorial〉Open letter to Mr. Carl Levin

Ryukyu Shimpo Editorial: Open letter dated April 27, 2011 to Mr. Carl Levin, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Dear Friends of the U.S. Congress,
We recommend that the United States Government implement a dramatic change in policy and remove the facilities at Futenma Air Station from Okinawa altogether. The people of Okinawa are both hopeful and anxious as they wait to see how American democracy handles this test.
Do we want a situation in which every time the...


2012 Textbooks: All seven refer to “group suicide”

March 31, 2011 Ryukyu Shimpo

On March 30, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology announced the screening results for junior high school textbooks to be used from the 2012 academic year.

With regard to the description of the battle of Okinawa in history textbooks,...