Marines Commandant Neller expresses “great sympathy” for Marine who caused fatal collision

Marines Commandant Neller expresses “great sympathy” for Marine who caused fatal collision

Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps Robert Neller


November 23, 2017 Ryukyu Shimpo


On November 21 Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps Robert Neller spoke about the fatal collision on November 19 due to a Marine Corps serviceman driving under the influence of alcohol.

He said: “Well, our condolences go to the family of the individual who was killed. And I also have great sympathy for the Marine. I’m sure that was not his intent.”


In Ryukyu Shimpo’s interview with Neller, he showed sympathy for the Marine, but did not mention the serviceman’s responsibility in drinking before the fatal collision.

Nor did he make any reference to future preventative measures or cracking down on discipline.


An Okinawan official commented on Neller’s statement, “He should have issued an apology first and foremost, instead [his words] were extremely ill-suited [to the situation].”


During his interview Neller said of the accident, “it’s being investigated, and the Japanese courts, based on the Status of Forces Agreement, will adjudicate whatever happens to him. And we’ll continue to cooperate with the investigation.”


Neller spoke further of the accident: “Obviously, we wish it hadn’t happened. But it did. And I guess I would ask the Okinawan people, and the people of Japan, to understand that there are 22, 23 thousand Marines stationed in Japan and Okinawa.

And this one individual appears to have made a very bad mistake.”


He went on, “And I think most people I know, living on Okinawa, may understand that the great, great, great majority of Americans are good neighbors, and are respectful of the culture, and conduct themselves properly when they’re overseas.”


(English translation by T&CT and Erin Jones)


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