Why did the tortoise cross the road? Ginowan police receive an interesting call about a tortoise on the loose

Why did the tortoise cross the road? Ginowan police receive an interesting call about a tortoise on the loose

The African spurred tortoise found crossing route 330 by Ginowan police after escaping from its enclosure – September 17, Ginowan Police Station

September 19, 2021 Ryukyu Shimpo


“There is a large turtle crossing national route 330.” At around 2:45 p.m. on September 16, a number of reports like this started coming into the Ginowan Police Station. The turtle crossing the road was a 70-centimeter-long African spurred tortoise that weighs roughly 50 kilograms. The police station took in the tortoise as a found item, then returned it to its owner. The station put out a warning, saying, “It could have led to a dangerous accident. If you are raising an animal, make sure you have the proper facilities to keep it from escaping.”

According to the police station, the tortoise was crossing national route 330 around Akamichi, Ginowan. There were many people who witnessed the event and reported it to the police. Officers raced to the scene, and found the tortoise about to enter the car of a man. The man told officers, “This is my tortoise, so I am taking him home,” and left with the tortoise. However, when he returned home, he found his own tortoise, and realized that his was not the one that had escaped. He then contacted police, and turned the reptile over to them.

Police then determined that the tortoise must have escaped from a house near where he was found.

On September 17, they visited the man, 61, who owned the tortoise, who said, “I’m sorry for causing everyone trouble. I am glad that an accident did not occur. According to the man, part of the enclosure in his yard that holds the tortoise had broken, allowing the turtle to escape.


(English translation by T&CT and Sam Grieb)


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