Gifting project seeks sanshin donations to send to France

President of the executive committee, Seihou Katsuren (center) and others are seeking sanshin donations. Photographed at the Ryukyu Shimpo Chubu Office on October 2, in Okinawa City.
October 8, 2020 Ryukyu Shimpo
The executive committee of the project to “gift sanshin to Okinawan brothers around the world” (Sekai no Kyodai e Sanshin wo Okuru Purojekuto) is asking for donations of sanshin (Okinawan banjo) and sanshin cases. The group’s goal is to pass on the uchinanchu (Okinawan) culture to the next generation and to keep it alive around the world. The executive committee is currently planning to gift ten sanshins to the Association Culturelle d’Okinawa (Okinawa-Europe cultural association).
The gifting project launched in 2014 and has donated sanshins to groups in Germany, Philippines, Bolivia and Hawaii. The group hopes to spread the idea that the purpose of Okinawan music is peace.
Association Culturelle d’Okinawa founded its sanshin club ten years ago. The association expressed its appreciation for being chosen as a recipient for the gift: “We are elated that our effort is being rewarded. We will continue to spread sanshin in Europe.”
Seihou Katsuren of the project’s executive committee said, “We wish to preserve and share our rich Okinawan culture with the world.” Donated sanshins will be entrusted to the Okinawa Futafa Music Association.
For more information, contact Mr. Katsuren at 090-9785-2207.
(English translation by T&CT and Monica Shingaki)
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