After telling their story for 30 years, the Himeyuri Student Corps storytellers, now in their 90’s, to pass the baton to the post-war generation

Members of the Himeyuri Student Corps in tears while singing the school song and goodbye song at the memorial service. June 23, Himeyuri Tower in Itoman
June 24, 2019 Ryukyu Shimpo
The Himeyuri Peace Museum (Itoman) marked their 30th anniversary June 23, and around 350 of the former students and their descendants held a memorial service at the Himeyuri tower. The members of the student corps that survived the Battle of Okinawa are now in their 90’s. Former museum director Yoshiko Shimabukuro, 91, commented on her expectations for the museum staff from the post-war generation, saying, “The museum is a stronghold for peace, as well as for life. I hope that you all continue to say ‘War is not an option.’”
For the past 30 years, the former students told the story of the experiences Himeyuri corps, speaking of the tragedies of war and the path for peace. “It did not feel like a long time ago. Even now the memories of racing around the battlefield still float to my mind as if it were yesterday, or the day before yesterday.
These words from Tsuru Motomura, 94, who served in the same student corps, show clearly the deep cuts in her soul from the defeat at the Battle of Okinawa.
This year’s memorial service had for the first time greetings, opening remarks, and closing remarks all given by museum employees. Motomura gave a vote of confidence for those who would take up the torch in their wake, saying, “In my 10 years (working here) with you, you have all learned the true meaning of peace and life. I think you will be able to tell others my thoughts in my place.”
Current museum director Chokei Futenma, 59, who is taking the baton from the group of storytellers, promised, “We will pass on these thoughts, which have had such importance since the opening of the museum, to the next generation.”
(English translation by T&CT and Sam Grieb)
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