The Year of the Rooster 2017: Okinawan native chicken “chan” wishes happy New Year in a beautiful voice

A chan is called "utai chan,' because its chirp sounds like it is singing a song. Rinkichi Teruya said he was attracted by its beautiful chirp sound and its appearance, on December 30, 2016, at Mizugama, Kadena. (Photograph taken by Chieko Gushiken)
January 1, 2017 Ryukyu Shimpo
2017 is the year of the Rooster. Sixty-four-year-old Rinkichi Teruya, who lives at Mizugama, Kadena, raises chan chickens, which are native to Okinawa. The chickens were showing off their beautiful high voices and their typical three-syllable sound at his house.
Chans are an Okinawa prefecture designated natural treasure. It is said the chickens came from China during the Ryukyu Kingdom era when wealthy people kept them as a pet to enjoy because of the sounds they make.
Teruya said, “They have very beautiful voice, figure and colorful feathers. I am fascinated by them.” He first began to keep them 15 years ago, and now raises 19 male and female chickens.
Chan contests, in which chan breeders compete over the quality and length of chan voices, are held every year. Teruya has won top prizes, including the champion title.
He declared his resolution for the New Year.
“In the year of the rooster, 2017, I want to have a more hopeful and shining year.”
(English translation by T&CT)
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