Opinion poll: 77% support canceling the former governor’s approval of landfill Henoko

the result of the poll on Governor Onaga's policy of seeking cancellation of the former governor's approval of the landfill.
June 2, 2015 Ryukyu Shimpo
The Ryukyu Shimpo and the Okinawa Television Broadcasting (OTV) carried out a telephone poll on the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma relocation issue on May 30 and 31.
According to the poll, 77.2 percent of respondents support Governor Takeshi Onaga’s plan to cancel the former Governor Hirokazu Nakaima’s approval of landfill in Henoko, Nago, if an expert committee recommends it. The poll showed that 83 percent of respondents oppose relocation of the Futenma base within the prefecture.
The percentage of respondents opposed to the relocation plan is the second highest ever recorded in this survey, behind a May 2012 recording of 88.7 percent. It is the highest since the Abe administration took office in December 2012.
The poll shows that criticism of the central government, which is continuing preparation work for the landfill in spite of opposition, remains strong among Okinawa people. This year’s poll falls on the 70 th anniversary of the end of World War II.
The former Governor Hirokazu Nakaima previously approved the landfill plan off the coast of Henoko, Nago, reneging on an election pledge not to allow it. Governor Onaga intends to revoke the former Governor’s decision.
The poll shows 77.2 percent of respondents support Governor Onaga’s policy, including 52.4 percent who responded “greatly support” and 24.8 percent who responded “somewhat support.”
Even after the inauguration of the Onaga administration, which is is opposed to the Henoko relocation, the central government is pushing on with early construction work on a new U.S. base off the coast of Henoko. Part of this work includes a boring survey. 71.6 percent of those surveyed responded “the work should be stopped,” while 21 percent responded “the work should be continued.”
On the question of how to solve the Futenma base issue, 31.4 percent, the largest majority, responded “Futenma should be relocated outside of the country.” This was followed by 29.8 percent, who responded “Futenma should be closed and removed unconditionally,” and 21. 8 percent responded “Futenma should be relocated to other prefectures.”
Eighty-three percent of respondents are opposed to the relocation of the Futenma base within the prefecture.
While 10.8 percent responded “Futenma should be relocated to Henoko, Nago”, and 3.4 percent responded “Futenma should be relocated to anywhere in the prefecture other than Henoko.”
(English translation by T&CT)
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