Dioxins detected in all analyses of barrels found in Okinawa City

The highest values of dioxin and other harmful ingredients detected.
July 8, 2014 Ryukyu Shimpo
On July 7, the Okinawa Defense Bureau and city government released the results of their investigation into contamination from barrels found at a soccer ground on land returned by the U.S. military in Okinawa City. They detected dioxin and other harmful ingredients in all substances analyzed. The samples were taken from fouling material and bottom soil in the area around the barrels.
The city detected dioxin in the filtrate water around the barrels at a level 64 times the Environmental Quality Standard for groundwater. The bureau detected dioxin at 55 times the standard. The city detected dioxin in fouling material at a level 2.9 times the normal standard for soil, while the bureau detected 1.9 times the standard.
The bureau and city took the same substance samples from 61 barrels and separately conducted their analysis.
The bureau detected dioxin at a level over the standard in five of the fouling material samples, while the city detected three.
Although they detected dioxin at a level under the accepted standard in all 29 samples taken from bottom soil, the levels were higher than that requiring caution.
The bureau and city found the key ingredients of Agent Orange–2, 4, 5-T, trichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic in the filtrate water around the barrels.
However, the bureau said, “We cannot use it as proof of the defoliant. We infer that it is chemical herbicides.” The city stated that harmful substances, including polychlorinated biphenyls and Pentachlorophenol caused the pollution of the soil and groundwater at the site. However, they declined to say that what they found was Agent Orange.
Regarding the results of their investigation, the bureau and city stated that there was no influence on the surrounding environment and groundwater at the site.
(English translation by T&CT)
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