Climax of Okinawa Zento Eisa Festival

To bring the the 58th Okinawa Zento Eisa Festival at Koza Athletic Park in Okinawa City to a close, the members of the Goeku Youth Group of Okinawa City performed a vigorous eisa dance. At around 8:00 p.m. on September 1 (Photograph taken by Takaya Kinra).
September 2, 2013 Ryukyu Shimpo
Fifteen groups took part in the final day of the 58th Okinawa Zento Eisa Festival in Okinawa City on September 1. The city is widely recognized as a symbol of eisa dance. People from inside and outside the city took part in the festival.
The crowd was entertained by a stirring eisa dance with a drum accompaniment and a glamorous variant, a women’s dance based on Ryukyu dance.
Many families and tourists from inside and outside the prefecture came to the event held at Koza Athletic Park. According to the event organizer, 310,000 visitors enjoyed the three-day festival, which included a michijune parade on August 31.
To bring the festival to a close, members of the Goeku Youth Group performed Gute eisa, a vigorous dance performed with drumbeating. Members of the Okinawan eisa taiko ensemble Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko performed with Tokiko Kato singing Kazeuta.
The crowd enjoyed creative eisa dances, in which regional traditions are evident. Dances unique to the various areas of Okinawa fascinated the spectators who applauded enthusiastically.
(English translation by T&CT, Mark Ealey)

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