Malaysian developer to invest 60 billion yen to build resorts in Kin

Impression of the hotels that Dijaya plans to build.
October 23, 2012 Ryukyu Shimpo
On October 22, at the Kin Municipal Office, Mayor Tsuyoshi Gibu and Tan Chee Sing, the chief executive officer (CEO) of Dijaya Land Development, a Malaysian major property development company, announced that they have signed a contract to build hotels in the former U.S. Marine Ginbaru Training Area, which was returned to Kin Town in July 2011.
Dijaya plans to construct a five-star internationally branded hotel with about 200 rooms, a spa resort hotel with about 180 rooms, and 200 to 400 rooms in houses and condominiums. They will also develop a giant commercial facility that handles local farm and marine products, has wedding halls and facilities for marine sports. The plan is linked with a medical tourism concept in which Kin Town will establish medical facilities in the same area.

On October 22, at the Kin Municipal Office, Mayor Gibu (left) and CEO Tan signed a contract to build a hotel complex.
The development will start in 2013 and occur over a 15-year period. The land covers about 16 hectares and will be leased for a 100-year term. Dijaya will invest 60 billion yen into the project, which is estimated to create 800 jobs.
Mayor Gibu said that this project will help to wean their local economy off dependence on U.S. military bases and will promote self-sustaining development. CEO Tan said, “The beautiful sea moved me and I felt sure that this project will succeed. I want to do something for the local community through this development.”
Kin Municipal Office and Dijaya exchanged memorandums of understanding in May and signed a letter of intent on October 18.
(English translation by T&CT, Lima Tokumori and Mark Ealey)
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