Uruma resident feeds blue rock thrush by hand

Uruma resident feeds blue rock thrush by hand

A blue rock thrush pecks at food on Moriteru Agena’s hand. May 11, Midorimachi, Uruma.

May 16, 2012 Ryukyu Shimpo

A family of blue rock thrush make an appearance picking food from a man’s hand in Midorimachi, Uruma.
Seiki Agena has been feeding them breadcrumbs from the middle of April. From this month they have come with their four little ones, and have started to take food from Agena’s hand since May 6.

Agena said, “When I open the front door at around 8:00am, they are already waiting for me on the bike. They are so cute.”

(English translation by T&CT, Shinako Oyakawa and Mark Ealey)

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