Novel “The Tempest” turned into a 3D movie

At nicofarre in Roppongi, Minato city, Tokyo on November 28, Yukie Nakama (center), who starred in "The Tempest 3D," promoted the film, saying, "I would like the audience to enjoy the stunning 3D images," with co-stars, Shosuke Tanihara (right) and Saki Takaoka.
November 29, 2011 Ryukyu Shimpo
On November 28, a press conference was held at nicofarre in Roppongi, Tokyo regarding the production of the 3D movie, “The Tempest 3D” which is based on a novel set in the Ryukyu Kingdom in the 19th century and stars Okinawan actress Yukie Nakama.
Nakama, who played both the lead male (Neion) and female (Mazuru) roles, promoted the film, saying, “I would really like people to enjoy the stunning 3D images and the beauty of Shuri Castle.”
“The Tempest 3D” is based on the novel written by Okinawan novelist Eiichi Ikegami which has been adapted both for the stage and for a television drama series.
In addition to Nakama, actor Shosuke Tanihara, who plays the role of feudal retainer of the Satsuma Domain Masahiro Asakura, who falls in love with Mazuru, and actress Saki Takaoka, who plays Kikoeookimi, a character who becomes hostile towards Neion, spoke at the press conference.
Tanihara said, “I was very deliberate in how I approached the role of Asakura, who is a character who has struggles within himself. He loves Neion and the Land of Ryukyu despite being a foreigner in the Ryukyu Kingdom.”
When asked what he and Asakura have in common, Tanihara’s response of, “I and Asakura both like Yukie Nakama and Okinawa,” was warmly received.
Takaoka said, “I felt the depth of Okinawan history when I felt the wind on my face at [the sacred location of] Sefa-utaki. When we prayed for rain, it actually rained!”
Nakama talked about her feelings towards the film, saying, “Although I was born and raised in Okinawa, where I led quite a normal life, when I went to Tokyo I realized for the first time how beautiful the natural environment of Okinawa is. I need to find out more about what is happening in Okinawa now. When I was playing the characters, I felt that I had to save Okinawa.”
(English translation by T&CT, Mark Ealey)
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