Archive for November, 2011

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Event in held Shanghai to promote the second anniversary of the Okinawa International Air Logistics Hub Project

November 18, 2011 Ryukyu Shimpo

Okinawa Prefecture held the “Event in Shanghai to Promote the Second Anniversary of the Okinawa International Air Logistics Hub Project” over four days from November 17 to 20 in Shanghai, China.
About 100 representatives from companies in Okinawa were joined at the event by Okinawan Vice Governor Kanetoshi Yoseda.
On the first day of the event, the prefecture invited local Chinese companies to an Okinawa investment seminar designed to attract...


Bank of the Ryukyus cooperates with Asison to support and enhance its activities in Asia

November 15, 2011 Ryukyu Shimpo

In order to support and enhance Okinawan companies’ activity in Asia, Bank of the Ryukyus (President Isao Oshiro) has concluded an advisory contract with Asison Inc. (Tokyo, President Shigehiro Aihara), an external consultancy specializing in employment introductions...

Japanese government restarts construction of the Takae helipads, resulting in stand-off with residents

Japanese government restarts construction of the Takae helipads, resulting in stand-off with residents

November 16, 2011 Ryukyu Shimpo

On the morning of November 15, the Okinawa Defense Bureau recommenced the construction of the new helipads at Takae in Higashi Village in keeping with the partial return of the U.S. Northern Training Area. Takae residents and civic groups staged sit-in protest...

Choki Miyagi, Naha’s oldest man, celebrates his 107th birthday

Choki Miyagi, Naha's oldest man, celebrates his 107th birthday

November 16, 2011 Ryukyu Shimpo

On November 15, a photo session to celebrate the birthday of Choki Miyagi, who turned 107 year-old and is the oldest man in Naha, was held at the Una Forecourt of Shuri Castle. Approximately 40 people, including staff of the Multifunctional Long-Term...

300 people attend the opening ceremony of the Okinawan House built in New Caledonia

300 people attend the opening ceremony of the Okinawan House built in New Caledonia

November 13, 2011 Ryukyu Shimpo

On November 12, the opening ceremony of the “Maison de Okinawa” (Okinawan House), a facility with an assembly room and exhibition hall for the New Caledonia Okinawa Kenjinkai (Nouvelle Caledonie Descendants D’Okinawa), was held at Poindimie City in New...

Okinawa Prefectural Assembly unanimously moves to request that the government not submit the Henoko evaluation report

Okinawa Prefectural Assembly unanimously moves to request that the government not submit the Henoko evaluation report

November 15, 2011

In an extraordinary meeting held on November 14, the Okinawa Prefectural Assembly, chaired by Zenshin Takamine, unanimously decided to ask the central government not to submit the evaluation report on the environmental impact of the relocation of United States Marine Corps...

No cases involving military civilian employees “on duty” have been brought before a U.S. court martial in Japan

No cases involving military civilian employees “on duty” have been brought before a U.S. court martial in Japan

November 13, 2011 Hideki Matsudo of Ryukyu Shimpo

Of the 62 cases of crime or incidents involving U.S. military civilian employees in Japan that have occurred “in the line of duty” during the five-year period of 2006-2010, it was recently divulged that none of those have been brought to...

Defense Minister intends to submit Henoko environmental impact report before the end of the year

Defense Minister intends to submit Henoko environmental impact report before the end of the year

November 13, 2011 Ryukyu Shimpo.

On November 12, Defense Minister Yasuo Ichikawa, who is now visiting Okinawa Prefecture, held a press conference at the Okinawa Defense Bureau regarding the submission of a written evaluation on the environmental impact of the reclamation of the coastal area...

Okinawan business community expresses concern about Prime Minister Noda’s announcement of participation in TPP-related talks

November 12 2011, Ryukyu Shimpo

On November 11, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda officially announced that Japan will participate in talks on the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement (TPP).
Many people in the Okinawan business community expressed concern about Japan’s participation...

24000 year-old human remains discovered at Shiraho Saonetabaru Cave Ruins in Ishigaki City

24000 year-old human remains discovered at Shiraho Saonetabaru Cave Ruins in Ishigaki City

November 11, 2011 Ryukyu Shimpo

Twenty four thousand year-old human remains have been freshly discovered at the Shiraho Saonetabaru Cave Ruins in Ishigaki City. Previously, the oldest find from these ruins were 20000 year-old human bones dating back to the Paleolithic era. Physical anthropologist,...

Wedding in Nanjo City carried out as a regional promotion

Wedding in Nanjo City carried out as a regional promotion

November 11, 2011 Yukiyo Zaha of the Ryukyu Shimpo

On November 5, Shinnosuke Imazu, the leader of the NPO xBridge, a group involved in the administration of the Nanjo Citizens’ College, and his bride Yumiko, held their civil wedding at the Chinen Social Welfare Center in Nanjo City as part...