Valuable coral from construction site crushed into pieces and anchored at transplantation site

Valuable coral from construction site crushed into pieces and anchored at transplantation site

The coral fixed by a glue on Oura-bay, Nago-city Okinawa 3rd Sep.(Photo by Kengo Kyan)

September 15, 2021 Ryukyu Shimpo

The coral reefs spread throughout Oura Bay in Nago City are abundant in diverse coral varieties including Acropora, Poritidae, and Heliopora coerulea. Due to construction of the Futenma Replacement Facility, coral within the zones planned for land reclamation is being transplanted to another area of the ocean. On September 3 a journalist for the Ryukyu Shimpo and Osamu Makishi, representative of the diving team Rainbow, dove into the ocean at the transplantation site and took photographs of the conditions there. Coral to be transplanted are being crushed into small pieces and anchored in place using an underwater adhesive.

Several-thousand-year-old coral can be seen all around in the blue sea [photographs]

In the middle of summer, while the water temperature was in excess of 30°C, the diver Makishi watched the coral transplantation work with his own eyes. He stated with quiet anger, “The high temperature is hard on the coral. An ocean environment having value on a global scale is being destroyed.”

(English translation by T&CT and Erin Jones)

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