Marino Uezu wins national speech contest with presentation that spoke of her Okinawa roots

Marino Uezu wins national speech contest with presentation that spoke of her Okinawa roots

Marino Uezu, champion of the JNSA All-Japan English Speech Contest

August 24, 2018 Ryukyu Shimpo


The 50th Japanese National Student Association (JNSA) All-Japan English Speech Contest was recently won by Okinawan-born Marino Uezu, a second year student at Ochanomizu University.

Uezu took the top spot this year after coming close the previous year in the same contest.

“I feel joy and a sense of accomplishment,” said, Uezu, smiling.


The competition features 53 college students enrolled in the JNSA, and the top 10 speeches are chosen as champions.

Uezu’s speech took on a theme based on a speech given by Apple founder Steve Jobs where he said, “Regardless of the variety of experiences you have, they take some sort of shape in the future. Threads and points link together.”

The speech spoke of her roots, which include an American grandfather, as well as Okinawan history.


“I love Okinawa, so much that I was hesitant to go to college outside the prefecture. I thought from the start that I wanted to do a speech based on Okinawa, and I was glad I was able to make it happen.”


In May, Uezu took part in a global speech contest for people 16-20 years old.

“I want to keep expanding my view of the world and trying new challenges. I plan on studying abroad next year.”


(English translation by T&CT and Sam Grieb)


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