Okinawa prefectural assembly passes protest resolution after US Army PFOS outflow accident

Okinawa Prefectural Assembly
July 13, 2021 Ryukyu Shimpo
The final regular meeting of the June session of the Okinawa prefectural assembly was held on July 12. In June there was an outflow accident on the U.S. Army Oil Storage Facility in Uruma City involving contaminated water containing organic fluorine compounds such as PFOS, which is known to be harmful. The prefectual assembly unanimously passed a written opinion and protest resolution requesting an official announcement concerning thorough safety management and recurrence prevention measures. The written opinion and protest resolution stated: “This accidental outflow is truly regrettable and absolutely unacceptable.” The recipients of the opinion and resolution include the prime minister, the foreign minister, the defense minister, and the commander of the U.S. Forces, Japan.
The opinion and resolution point out that in 2019 and 2020 there were accidents in which foam fire extinguishing agents containing PFOS and the like leaked out from Futenma Air Station. The opinion and resolution additionally stated: “The anger and distrust of the prefectural citizens are rising due to repeated U.S. military contaminated water outflow accidents.”
The stoppage of using, storing, and depositing organic fluorine compounds such as PFOS, as well as the removal of the storage facility are requested. Also requested are an investigation into the cause of the contamination, strict adherence to the order of communication in the event of an accident, and the swift provision of information.
(English translation by T&CT and Erin Jones)
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