Iori Nakamura, who has a disability, admitted to high school in fourth year applying

Iori Nakamura, who has a disability, admitted to high school in fourth year applying

Iori Nakmura (left) and his parents were overjoyed after seeing online that he was accepted. (morning of March 10, at their home in Kitanakagusuku)

March 10, 2021 Ryukyu Shimpo


On March 10, entrance exam results were announced for Okinawa Prefectural High Schools and Special Needs Schools. Iori Nakamura, who has a severe intellectual disability and is now in his fourth year of taking entrance exams, was accepted into Mawashi High School. He applied through the Yui Classroom (Yui Kyoshitsu) system that was established this year for individuals with intellectual disabilities.


Nakamura’s registration is at Shimajiri Special Education School, but he will be attending Mawashi High School.


Nakamura first took the high school entrance exams in March 2017 as an individual with a severe intellectual disability. He was unsuccessful. Over the next three years until 2020, Nakamura failed the high school entrance exams six times, including second application periods. In the interim, his family negotiated with the Okinawa prefectural board of education for reasonable accommodations based on an understanding of his disability.


Just past 9:15 a.m. on March 10, Nakamura checked the exam results on the school homepage. Comparing his exam registration number with the number on the screen, Nakamura said, “It’s the same!”


(English translation by T&CT and Ellen Huntley)


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