Distant islands of Okinawa and Hokkaido link hands to produce a friendship awamori “Hagoe” using water from Rebun and produced in Yonaguni

“Hagoe” awamori, made with spring water from the island of Rebun in Hokkaido
February 5, 2021 Ryukyu Shimpo
By Yuki Muramatsu
Yonaguni – Sakimoto Distillery (Toshio Sakimoto, CEO) in Yonaguni announced to Yonaguni Mayor Shukichi Hokama at the town hall January 20 the creation of a new awamori named “Hagoe” (43% alcohol by volume (ABV), 600 ml bottle). The name “Hagoe” was chosen by combining the imagery of the rough island waves (‘ha’) with the idea of song sung by herring fishermen on their boats in the town of Rebun, Hokkaido (‘koe’).
An organization in Rebun, the “Island pride creation project,” (Yuji Yanagiya, representative) has commissioned the distillery for brewing. Hagoe is made using hanazake (a strong awamori at 60% ABV) distilled using spring water shipped directly from Rebun.
The distant island of Rebun (Toru Ono, mayor), at Japan’s northern end, is a single island municipality, the same as Yonaguni far to the south. In November of 2019, the two towns forged an agreement of friendship and cultural exchange.
Prior to releasing the liquor for sale, bottles were distributed to retailers and bars throughout Rebun. So far, it has received praise from those who have tasted it, with some saying it has a “clean and refreshing taste.”
On January 20, Mayor Hokama was informed about the completion of Hagoe, as well as the story of how it came into existence. There were also statements made from representatives within Yonaguni such as, “Since Rebun put so much effort into this, Yonaguni wants to help with things such as the shipping costs for the water.” Sakimoto said that for further development of the liquor, “We are thinking of further lowering the ABV, to produce a milder and less expensive variant. Rebun also produces konbu, and since there is liquor that can be made with konbu, I want to make a konbu shochu with their konbu as a source ingredient.”
Made with cooperation by and hoping for the prosperity of both islands, Hagoe awamori made with spring water from Rebun is on sale starting February 5 in Yonaguni, Rebun, and at “Washita Shop” in Sapporo.
(English translation by T&CT and Sam Grieb)

Yonaguni Mayor Shukichi Hokama (left) being handed Hagoe awamori by Sakimoto Distillery CEO Toshio Sakimoto – January 20, at Yonaguni Town Hall
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