Archive for January, 2021

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Cases in Okinawa Surge: “500-800 new cases per week going forward” predicted, hospital bed utilization exceeds 100% in Chubu, Main Island

Cases in Okinawa Surge: “500-800 new cases per week going forward” predicted, hospital bed utilization exceeds 100% in Chubu, Main Island

January 15, 2021 Ryukyu Shimpo


On January 14, Governor Denny Tamaki held an emergency press conference at the Okinawa Prefectural Office. He shared that cases of the novel coronavirus in Okinawa are increasing, mostly in young people, and that estimates suggest that the prefecture is likely to see 500 to 800 new cases per week going forward. Furthermore, general hospital bed utilization has exceeded 100% in Chubu on the Main Island, where coronavirus patients are being admitted....


“Leave no one behind.” The Yuima no kai volunteer group is operating a food drive in Makishi Park, and the number of visitors in need is growing, with 272 people coming in December

“Leave no one behind.” The Yuima no kai volunteer group is operating a food drive in Makishi Park, and the number of visitors in need is growing, with 272 people coming in December

January 12, 2020 Ryukyu Shimpo
By Naoki Isa

In order to support those who have fallen on hard times due to the coronavirus pandemic, the volunteer organization “Yuimaru no Kai” has been running a food drive twice per week at Makishi Park in Naha. Group representative Naomi Kadekaru,...

Zamami mayor and Gov. Tamaki oppose Defense Minister’s acquiescence: “It’s a joke,” “Revise SOFA”

Zamami mayor and Gov. Tamaki oppose Defense Minister’s acquiescence: “It’s a joke,” “Revise SOFA”

January 9, 2021 Ryukyu Shimpo

In the latest issue of U.S. military aircraft repeatedly flying at low altitudes around Kerama Islands, Japan’s Ministry of Defense and the Foreign Minister indicated their approval of the U.S. military training outside of the training area. In response, the...

“Difficulty is the Spice of Life”: “Lessons for Life” from a teacher fighting pancreatic cancer

“Difficulty is the Spice of Life”: “Lessons for Life” from a teacher fighting pancreatic cancer

January 8, 2021 Ryukyu Shimpo

Recently, Mr. Hiroshi Ueno, a teacher at Okinawa Shogaku Junior and Senior High Schools, presented “Lessons for Life,” speaking to third-year junior high school students about his own experience battling cancer. Ueno was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in...

Osprey made up to 101 decibels of noise late at night in Ginowan City, citizens complained

Osprey made up to 101 decibels of noise late at night in Ginowan City, citizens complained

January 7, 2021 Ryukyu Shimpo

Vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) MV-22 Osprey transport aircraft, among other types of aircraft, flew over Ginowan City approaching from the south and landed on the runway of Futenma Air Station, even after 10:00 p.m., on January 5 and 6. According to noise...

Whale watchers treated with the sight of a whale leisurely swimming through the winter ocean as Zamami re-opens whale watching tours

Whale watchers treated with the sight of a whale leisurely swimming through the winter ocean as Zamami re-opens whale watching tours

January 6, 2021 Ryukyu Shimpo
By Hirokazu Otsubo

The Zamami Whale Watching Association (ZWWA) reopened the whale watching season December 27, launching their first tour on December 29. The postponed tours on the 28th due to poor weather. On December 22, there were reports a whale sighting...

Giant manta ray congratulates newlyweds after cancelling honeymoon trip abroad

Giant manta ray congratulates newlyweds after cancelling honeymoon trip abroad

January 7, 2021 Ryukyu Shimpo
By Hideaki Yoneda

At around 2 p.m. on December 27, Yuriko Nishiura, manager of the dive shop Shima Ashibi in Tokashiki Village, successfully photographed a giant manta ray swimming at a depth of about four meters around Hanari Island, an uninhabited island...

Naha sakura make their “blooming declaration” 14 days earlier than average, with high of 22.6 degrees

Naha sakura make their “blooming declaration” 14 days earlier than average, with high of 22.6 degrees

January 5, 2021 Ryukyu Shimpo


On January 4, the Okinawa Regional Headquarters of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) announced that the hikanzakura cherry trees in Naha started blooming on that day and that the plum trees had started blooming on December 31, 2020. The hikanzakura...

In New Year’s address, Gov. Tamaki highlights policies to alleviate child poverty and improve employment

In New Year’s address, Gov. Tamaki highlights policies to alleviate child poverty and improve employment

January 5, 2021 Ryukyu Shimpo

On January 4, the first working day of 2021, Governor Denny Tamaki delivered his New Year’s address at the Okinawa Prefectural Government Office. In his speech, the governor positioned alleviating child poverty as “the most important policy for the prefectural...

Okinawa Labor Union provides food support over the three-day New Year’s holiday for those in economic need

Okinawa Labor Union provides food support over the three-day New Year’s holiday for those in economic need

January 3, 2021 Ryukyu Shimpo


In order to support day laborers and those in need over the New Year holiday, the Okinawa – Shuri Day Laborer’s Union (Okinichiro) handed out food, hand warmers, and clothing at Yogi park in Naha from December 31 through January 2. Over those...

Editorial: In the new year, step toward self-reliance together

January 1, 2021 Ryukyu Shimpo


A new year is upon us. The year 2021 will be the time for Okinawa to decide its future direction, as the 50th anniversary of Okinawa’s reversion to Japanese rule is nearing.

Fifty years ago, in November 1971, the Ryukyu government drew...