Shurijo Castle reconstruction materials to be procured via central government, using donations made to Okinawa

Shurijo Castle reconstruction materials to be procured via central government, using donations made to Okinawa

The main hall of Shurijo Castle, known as the Seiden. (Stock photo)

September 24, 2020 Ryukyu Shimpo

On September 23, Okinawa Prefecture and the Cabinet Office’s Okinawa General Bureau signed a memorandum to procure large-diameter logs for the reconstruction of Shurijo Castle, which was destroyed in a fire last October. The Okinawa General Bureau will determine the specifications for the large-diameter logs which will be used for the structural frame of the castle and notify the prefecture. The prefecture will then procure the lumber using the donations it received domestically and from abroad. Purchase orders are expected to be issued next April. At present, the wood type, quantity, and origin are yet to be decided. It is the first time the prefecture is working in conjunction with the Okinawa General Bureau to set rules on how to utilize donated funds.

In addition, the prefecture and the Okinawa General Bureau are in talks to utilize the donated funds for purchasing red roof tiles, reconstructing the great dragon pillars, the Karahafu Tsuma-kazari (gable embellishments), Ryuto Muna-kazari (dragon-head roof ornaments), and the hengaku (name plaque).

(English translation by T&CT and Monica Shingaki)

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