Okinawa Association of Corporate Executives releases “Shuri Castle Badge” for sale, saying they, “want to build momentum for reconstruction”

The Shuri Castle Badge
October 15, 2020 Ryukyu Shimpo
The Okinawa Association of Corporate Executives (OACE) have created a “Shuri Castle Badge” in an effort to aid the reconstruction of Shuri Castle, which burned down in October of last year, and the badge is now available to purchase. The badge depicts an illustration of the castle, and adopts the 17-hue color scheme of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) color wheel. The OACE plans to contribute the proceeds to the reconstruction of Shuri Castle, and is hoping the badge finds a large audience among Okinawans.
Each badge costs 1,000 yen, the group will make 10,000 of the badges, and they are calling for member companies among others to make purchases. According to the association, they are predicting that the first batch will result in a contribution of 7 million yen, and are planning to produce more if it picks up in popularity.

OACE representatives Miki Fuchibe (left) and Yasushi Kawakami (right) with Shuri Castle Badges on their collars. September 14, at the Ryukyu Shimpo offices
OACE chairwoman Miki Fuchibe (president of the board at JCC), visited the Ryukyu Shimpo offices on September 14, and said, “We want the people of Okinawa to once again as one overcome the economic difficulties caused by the coronavirus, and to help build momentum for the reconstruction of Shuri Castle.” OACE chairman Yasushi Kawakami (President of the Bank of the Ryukyus) said, “We were able to make a badge that shows the color of Okinawa using the colors for the SGDs. I would like the badge to spread throughout the prefecture.”
Badges can be purchased individually in units of 10 (10,000 yen, not including shipping) using a form on the OACE website
(English translation by T&CT and Sam Grieb)
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