Kadena city council passes protest resolution after fire in Kadena Air Base

Kadena city council members unanimously passed a resolution in protest of the fire that broke out at Kadena Air Base
July 3, 2020 by Ryukyu Shimpo
Kadena – The Kadena city council (Naoki Tokusato, council president) held an emergency session on July 2, where they unanimously passed an official statement and protest resolution against a fire that broke out in a hazardous materials facility in Kadena Air Base June 22. The council took issue with the tardiness in communication with local authorities, despite local governments around the bases requesting an accurate and swift report after each incident or accident, both currently and previously, and commented, “We cannot help but feel a truly regrettable and strong anger.”
In the written statement and protest resolution, the council demanded that (1) the U.S. military thoroughly investigate the cause of the fire, and immediately make the result of the investigation public; (2) Devise an effective policy to prevent the incident from re-occurring; and (3) Adhere to the notification system, and quickly and accurately inform the area about all incidents.
The official statement was addressed to the head of the Okinawa Defense Bureau (ODB) the Minister of Defense, and the governor of Okinawa, and the protest resolution was addressed to the commander of the U.S. Air Forces 18th Wing and the Okinawa Area Coordinator. On July 3, the members of the special committee for base policy handed the official statement directly to ODB chief Toshinori Tanaka.
(English traslation by T&CT and Sam Grieb)
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