JetStar Japan to suspend all flights from Shimojishima Airport to Narita and all connecting flights from April 10 –May 6

JetStar Japan to suspend all flights from Shimojishima Airport to Narita and all connecting flights from April 10 –May 6

Shimojishima Airport on April 9, for which JetStar Japan has announced all flights to and from the Airport and Narita will be suspended

April 9, 2020 Ryukyu Shimpo

JetStar Japan announced April 9 that they are suspending all flights between Shimojishima Airport and Narita Airport, as well as all connecting flights from April 10 through May 6.

As a result, Shimojishima Airport Management, the firm that operates the Miyako Shimojishima Airport Terminal, has decided to close the terminal for the same period of time.

Shimojishima Airport has five flights that travel to and from Narita each week, as well as three weekly connecting flights.

(English translation by T&CT and Sam Grieb)

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