Invited by the Sunlight A Pair of Okinawa Rails Getting Along in Aha, Kunigami

(Left) The pair of Okinawa rails seen on an agricultural road. (Right) The male hops onto the female Okinawa rail’s back and engages in mating behavior (Photographed by Yasuhide Matayoshi on the morning of February 22, Kunigami)
February 23, 2020 Ryukyu Shimpo
Kunigami – On the morning of February 22, a pair of what appeared to be Okinawa rails (yambaru kuina) were observed engaging in mating behavior on an agricultural road in Aha, Kunigami.
The Okinawa rail is a Natural Monument of Japan. The adorable pair of birds also preened.
At around 8:30 a.m., in the soft morning light, a single Okinawa rail poked its head out of the grass.
As the bird preened, a second rail appeared from behind it and nuzzled up to the first.
According to the Ministry of the Environment, the Okinawa rail breeding season is between March and July.
The mating behaviors seen on February 22 suggest an early spring coming to northern Okinawa.
(English translation by T&CT and Ellen Huntley)
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