Himeyuri Peace Museum attracts visitors with Takako Miyahira video

The Himeyuri Peace Museum in Itoman City releases a promotional video as part of its 30th anniversary project on Feb. 1.
February 2, 2019 Ryukyu Shimpo
As part of its 30th anniversary project, the Himeyuri Peace Museum released a promotional video on its website and on YouTube.
The museum’s annual visitation had declined by nearly one-half, from its peak of one million visitors in 1999, to 580,000 in 2017.
The promotional video aspires to publicize the museum and increase visitors.
The Himeyuri Peace Museum hosted a private viewing on Feb. 1, and the museum director gave the opening remarks.
“Currently, 74 years has passed since World War II, and there are people who are not even aware of Himeyuri,” Chokei Futenma, 59, said.
“We’re at a juncture in which the generation born after the war will pass on the atrocious memories of the Battle of Okinawa to a generation that hasn’t experienced war.
We will explore ways to do that, while keeping pace with the times.”
Film director Takako Miyahira, 39, said of her work, “Rather than the atmosphere of the exhibit, I captured the peaceful side of the museum.
For the video, I envisioned a parent’s wish for their children to be happy.”
The video is a three-minute story of a family from the main islands visiting the Himeyuri Peace Museum.
Through Yoshiko Shimabukuro’s account of the war, the family emphasizes with sentiments of the surviving former students (which served as the catalyst for building the museum), and learns the importance of longing for peace.
Click herefor the official Himeyuri Peace Museum website.
(English translation by T&CT and Monica Shingaki)
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