Governor Tamaki announces February 24 prefectural referendum, encourages participation

On November 27 at the Okinawa Prefectural Office, Governor Denny Tamaki announces the date of the prefectural referendum.
November 27, 2018 Ryukyu Shimpo online edition
On November 27 at 3:30 p.m. at the Prefectural Office, Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki made an official announcement about the prefectural referendum that will ask Okinawans whether they support or oppose the Futenma replacement facility being constructed in Henoko, Nago City. He said that the date of the referendum is February 24 next year.
Notification of the referendum will be posted ten days prior to that date on February 14.
Governor Tamaki said, “This will be an extremely important opportunity, as Okinawans’ intentions could be directly reflected by the referendum.
I sincerely ask from the bottom of my heart that everyone please participate in the referendum and demonstrate their intent.”
In addition to calling for Okinawans to participate in the referendum, he asked for the cooperation from all municipalities’ village heads, mayors, and assemblies in conducting the referendum in all villages, towns and cities.
Signatures from 92,848 Okinawan citizens were collected requesting enactment of an ordinance for this referendum.
The governor of Okinawa signed off on it, and the Prefectural Assembly established the referendum ordinance on October 26.
Voters will be able to select from two options, whether they “support” or “oppose” Henoko land reclamation.
(English translation by T&CT and Erin Jones)
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