Peru – Okinawan group in Peru fulfills long-held dream of constructing children’s park in Lima

From the left: AFO President Eiko Okugi, AOP President Maria Luisa Kohatsu, AFO advisor Haruko Miyagi, Ambassador Tsuchiya’s wife Hikari, and Japanese Ambassador to Peru Sadayuki Tsuchiya. November 3, AOP community center in the greater Lima area, Peru
November 26, 2018 Ryukyu Shimpo
By correspondent Mitsuhiro Akamine
The Okinawa Association of Peru (AOP – Spanish: Asociación Okinawense del Perú) opened a children’s playground named “Ashibina Park” on the grounds of their community center in the suburbs of Lima on November 3. The same day, the group held an opening ceremony where Japanese Ambassador to Peru Sadayuki Tsuchiya, AOP president Maria Luisa Kohatsu, Okinawa Women’s Association (AFO – Spanish: Asociación Femenina Okinawense del Perú) president Eiko Okugi, and AFO advisor Haruko Miyagi cut the ceremonial tape, celebrating the completion of a dream they had held for many years.
At the ceremony, AOP president Kohatsu said, “We completed this fantastic playground with the warm support of everyone here. Next, we will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the founding of the AFO, and add two play structures and artificial grass, and give our deep gratitude for the use of this land.”
Ashibina Park covers 400 square meters of land behind the AOP community center, and is already equipped with four large and two small play structures. There is also in place a strip of artificial grass in the spacious play area, and it is expected to be a place to nurture the dreams of children. The playground was constructed for the sake of AOP member families, however the park is also open to non-members for a fee.
The construction cost of Ashibina Park was 60,000 dollars. Beginning with the AFO, four savings associations, companies owned by Okinawan-Peruvians, and AOP members, contributions were also gathered from the Okinawa-based Kanehide Holdings Co. Ltd., the Okinawa-Peru Association, and other individual donors.
(English translation by T&CT and Sam Grieb)
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