Mikhail Gorbachev sends message of support to the Okinawan anti-base struggle and urges that truth be disclosed about nuclear weapons in Okinawa

Mikhail Gorbachev
January 31, 2018 Ryukyu Shimpo
Spurred by concerns about the rising threat of nuclear weapons, Mikhail Gorbachev (86), former president of the Soviet Union, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and leading figure in bringing the Cold War to a close, sent a message to the people of Okinawa through the Ryukyu Shimpo. In it, he expressed his concern that there might still be nuclear weapons stored in Okinawa, and stated that the truth must be disclosed to the Okinawan people. Gorbachev emphasized his support the Okinawans’ struggle against military base expansion and called for the exercise of Okinawan self-determination, saying that Okinawa must continue to be not an island of military bases, but an island for the Okinawan people.
Gorbachev stated in the message that he learned that many nuclear weapons were stationed in Okinawa during the Cold War from the program “NHK Special: Okinawa and Nuclear Weapons” broadcast last year by NHK. He expressed his concern that nuclear weapons might still be being stored in Okinawa.
Gorbachev also discussed his active efforts to promote nuclear disarmament, including the joint statement by himself and then-U.S. President Ronald Regan in 1985, in which they emphasized that a nuclear war must never be fought. He expressed his support for the movement opposing the construction of a new base in Henoko, Nago, stating that he “support[s] the struggle against military expansion in Okinawa by the people of Okinawa.”
He wrote that Okinawa is home to a unique natural environment and a distinctive culture and emphasized that Okinawa should aim for peaceful development as a “terminal for international human and cultural exchange.”
According to an acquaintance of Gorbachev, he expressed awe at the beauty of Okinawa’s coasts on his three visits to the prefecture and used the term “self-determination,” saying, “If, despite living in such a blessed environment, Okinawans don’t realize those characteristics and are by their own hand closing off sufficient possibilities for a richer tomorrow, it is a terrible shame. For the sake of the children of future generations, I want Okinawans to consider that peaceful and rich development are within their grasp,” and calling for the exercise of the right to self-determination.
Summary of Gorbachev’s message:
Message sent to Okinawans by Gorbachev
Knowing now about the presence of nuclear weapons in Okinawa during the Cold War era, as revealed in a recent NHK program, my heart aches with concern that there could still be nuclear weapons stored in Okinawa. It is essential that the truth be disclosed to the residents of Okinawa.
I have always stood up for nuclear disarmament and ultimately a complete abolition of nuclear weapons. At the same time I have argued against the use of military force in resolving international disputes. From this perspective I have invariably supported the struggle against military expansion in Okinawa by the people of Okinawa, and I will support it from here on out.
Okinawa’s rich nature and distinctive culture make it unique in this world. Therefore the islands of Okinawa must be for the people, not for the military.
Okinawa is blessed with an environment that allows it to be a terminal for international human and cultural exchange as well as trade. It is my sincere hope that Okinawan people take advantage of this rich environment and aim for peaceful development of the islands, for the sake of future generations.
(Article translation by T&CT and Sandi Aritza; translation of Gorbachev’s message by Satoko Norimatsu with assistance by Erin Jones)
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