Okinawa Prefectural Assembly unanimously passes resolution calling for suspension of flights over civilian areas after accident at elementary school

Okinawa Prefectural Assembly unanimously passes resolution calling for suspension of flights over civilian areas after accident at elementary school

The Okinawa Prefectural Assembly unanimously passing a protest resolution and written statement on the U.S. military helicopter window fall incident, on December 21 at the Okinawa Prefectural Assembly Hall


December 21, 2017 Ryukyu Shimpo Digital Edition


In response to the accident in which a window of a U.S. military helicopter fell on the Futenma Daini Elementary School in Ginowan, Okinawa and the accident in which it appeared that a component of a U.S. military helicopter of the same type fell on a nursery school in the same city, the Okinawa Prefectural Assembly held a general meeting on December 21 where a protest resolution and opinion statement were passed unanimously demanding that flights by aircraft stationed at Marine Corps Air Station Futenma over civilian areas be suspended. On December 22, representatives from the Prefectural Assembly visited relevant agencies in the prefecture to deliver copies of the resolution.


The statement asserts that “That U.S. military aircraft accidents occur unceasingly keenly indicates that the U.S. military’s safety management systems and reoccurrence prevention efforts are not functioning,” and demands that “the U.S. military and the Japanese and U.S. governments make every effort to relieve the concerns of Okinawans.”


The resolution then calls for (1) investigation into the causes of the accidents and swift public announcement of the results, (2) suspension of flight exercises by U.S. military aircraft stationed at MCAS Futenma over nursery schools, schools, hospitals, houses, and other civilian spaces, and (3) cessation of operations at MCAS Futenma within five years, as promised by the Japanese government.


(English translation by T&CT and Sandi Aritza)


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