Okinawa Prefectural Assembly passes protest resolution over December 13 Osprey crash

The final regular meeting of the Prefectural Assembly for the year during which the resolution of protest over the Osprey crash passed on December 22 in the Okinawa Prefectural Assembly building in Naha City.
December 22, 2016 Ryukyu Shimpo
On December 22, at the Prefectural Assembly’s final regular meeting of the year, the protest resolution and written opinion proposed by the ruling party passed by majority. As a strong protest to the Osprey crash on December 13, the resolution demands the withdrawal of Osprey deployment in Okinawa, abandonment of Futenma Air Station relocation within Okinawa, and the withdrawal of the Marine Corps from Okinawa, among other requests. The LDP’s proposed resolution and written opinion failed to pass a majority vote.
In regards to top commander of the U.S. Forces in Okinawa Lawrence Nicholson’s response to the incident, such as his comment that Japan should be “grateful” the Osprey did not cause damage or harm to the local residents or homes, the passed protest resolution also requests a replacement for Nicholson as Okinawa Area Coordinator.
The ruling party’s resolution passed with 26 votes supporting, 15 votes against, and 6 absences. The LDP’s resolution received 15 votes supporting, 26 votes against, and 6 absences. Four Komeito members and two Japan Innovation Party members had walked out on the vote.
(English translation by T&CT and Erin Jones)
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