East Asia Publishers Conference in Okinawa addresses reviving an East Asian reading community

East Asia Publishers Conference in Okinawa addresses reviving an East Asian reading community

Emeritus Professor Takara of the University of the Ryukyus delivering his keynote speech on publication culture in the Ryukyus and Okinawa at the Okinawa Meeting of the East Asia Publishers Conference in Conference Building B of the OCC on the morning of November 14.

November 14, 2016 Ryukyu Shimpo

On November 14, publishers from six regions in East Asia (namely Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Okinawa) gathered together for a public symposium in Conference Building B of the Okinawa Convention Center (OCC) in Ginowan City. The symposium was held by the Okinawa Meeting of the East Asia Publishers Conference in order to discuss the topic of publication culture and to mutually promote the publication of translations by reviving an East Asian reading community.

After an opening statement from the head of the Okinawa Meeting and former chairman of Chikumashobo Toshiyuki Kumazawa, chairman of the Okinawa Meeting’s Action Committee and emeritus professor at the University of the Ryukyus Kurayoshi Takara delivered a keynote speech titled: “Publication culture in the Ryukyus and Okinawa as seen through history.”

Attendants of the Okinawa Meeting listening to a statement titled “The regionalism of publication and the universality of books” in Conference Building B of the OCC on the morning of November 14.

Attendants of the Okinawa Meeting listening to a statement titled “The regionalism of publication and the universality of books” in Conference Building B of the OCC on the morning of November 14.

Takara brought up the historical fact that Tei Junsoku’s Six Courses in Morals and the Chinese poetry of Ryukyuans in Ryukyu Shika were, among other publications, printed and published in China at their respective times. Citing these examples, Takara expressed that the Ryukyus have been participating on the wide stage of East Asian publication culture.

Following the keynote speech each region gave a report, and a panel discussion was held.

The meeting ends on November 15. This was the first East Asia Publishers Conference to be held in Okinawa, and it commemorated the Conference’s 10th anniversary. Foreign attendees included 17 people from South Korea, 15 people from mainland China, 5 people from Hong Kong, and 6 people from Taiwan to make a total of 43 foreign participants. Domestically, 11 people from mainland Japan, 23 people from Okinawa who are involved with publication, and 20 general attendees from Okinawa participated.

(English translation by T&CT and Erin Jones)

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