Okinawan Hawaiian youth sets up new group to support HUOA

Yuntaku in Hawaii. The event participants experienced Okinawan cultures such as Ryukyuan Hanagasa and Shime daiko or tightened drum. In Honolulu on June 2.
June 7, 2015 Hanae Higa Gushiken, Correspondent of Ryukyu Shimpo
In order to promote activities of the Hawaii United Okinawa Association (HUOA), young Okinawan Hawaiians in their 20s’ to 30s’ have set up a new group called “Shinka.” The group has become the 50th member club of HUOA. Shinka and HUOA co-held their second event, Yuntaku, at a bar in Honolulu on June 2.
Under the theme of interaction, enjoyment, and discovery, the young Okinawan Hawaiians launched the group to promote Okinawan community to young Hawaiians and spark their interest in the activities of Okinawa association of Hawaii. About 150 young people interacted with one another. While members of classical Okinawan music group Afuso Ryu Choichi Kai did sanshin performances, Hawaii Okinawa Creative Arts performed Lion dance. Chinagu Eisa performed eisa dance. These performances seasoned the venue with an Okinawan flavor.
The name Shinka is associated with friend in Uchinaguchi and evolution in Japanese. Second generation Okinawan Hawaiian Lisa Tamaki said that she loves the Uchinanchu community. Tamaki called for the participants to promote the Okinawan community in Hawaii.
HUOA President Mark Higa said that he wants participants to meet many Uchinanchu and make new discoveries.
(English translation by T&CT)
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