Scandinavian diplomats learn about Henoko issue from Nago Mayor

Officers of the Nordic Embassies received a briefing on the Henoko relocation issue from Nago Mayor Susumu Inamine (left), on April 10, at Nago municipal office.
April 11, 2015 Ryukyu Shimpo
Diplomats from the embassies of four Nordic countries met with Mayor Susumu Inamine on April 10 to receive a briefing on the political situation, including the relocation of U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma to Henoko in Nago. They heard about the mayor’s policy and how the Henoko issue is affecting the community.
The four diplomats are counsellors and first secretaries at the embassies of Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway.
Anna Hammarlund, first secretary at the Embassy of Sweden, said, “I could better understand about the situation of Okinawa by hearing about it from key persons.”
Mayor Inamine asked the diplomats to visit Henoko so they could convey the current situation in Okinawa to the wider world.
At the Okinawa Prefecutural Government Office, deputy governor Isho Urasaki explained to them that Governor Takeshi Onaga won the gubernatorial race last year on a platform of opposition to the construction of the new U.S. base at Henoko. He added that Henoko was the focal issue in the election. He said, “Governor Onaga is making every effort to move the Futenma base outside Okinawa by using all means available.”
(English translation by T&CT)
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