Young foreign scholars and journalist encourage sit-in protesters

Australian journalist Jane Close (far right) stressed that Oura Bay is a beautiful and important natural resource on April 11 at the Camp Schwab gate, Henoko, Nago.
April 12, 2015 Ryukyu Shimpo
Young foreign scholars and a journalist living in Okinawa visited the sit-in protest site at U.S. Marine Camp Schwab in Henoko, Nago, on April 11. The visitors came from Scotland, India, Switzerland, the United States, Taiwan, and Australia. Australian journalist Jane Close encouraged the protesters, saying, “Many people from other countries sympathize with Okinawa.” She said, being scheduled to return to Australia, “I would like to continue supporting Okinawan people’s struggle against the expansion of US military on the island, through social media such as twitter and Facebook .”
Zach Hensel, a biophysicist from the United States, said, “I’m ashamed that my country put Okinawa and the Okinawan people in danger by secretly keeping nuclear weapons in Okinawa and conducting illegal bombing in Southeast Asia from Okinawa. America should leave Okinawa – not build new bases.”
He gestured his opposition to the new base making an X sign with his arms.
They each made short speeches, saying that “Oura Bay is a treasure” and that “we have to raise awareness about this issue around the world.” The sit-in protesters responded to them, saying, “let’s work together to block the construction of a new U.S. base.”
(English translation by T&CT)
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