Okinawan Junior High School students learn about the Constitution of Japan in Uchinaguchi

Okinawan Junior High School students learn about the Constitution of Japan in <em>Uchinaguchi</em>

On June 13 at Chatan Junior High School, students recited Article 9 of the Constitution for the peace education class.

June 22, 2014 Ryukyu Shimpo

On June 13, Chatan Junior High School held a peace education class for third-grade students. Special-guest lecturer Eiko Ginoza from the Half Century Miyamori, a peace organization, gave a speech on the theme of “Learning about Peace.” Seven students recited Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan in the original, in English and in Uchinaguchi.

During the class, students watched a war film. Ginoza spoke about war survivors. She told students, “The Japanese government is preparing to change the Constitution. If a war begins, your generation will be sent to the battlefield.”

Students learned the importance of the Constitution. Asuka Nakasone, one of the students who read Article 9 of the Constitution said, “Reading Article 9 in English gave me an opportunity to think about the Constitution, war, and peace.”

(English translation by T&CT and Megumi Chibana)

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