Movie about Okinawan war photographer screened

Bunyo Ishikawa delivered an opening speech at the screening of his movie, which tells his life story.
June 26, 2014 Ryukyu Shimpo
A documentary movie about the life of Okinawan war photographer Bunyo Ishikawa was screened at Sakurazaka Theater in Naha on June 25. Ishikawa delivered an opening speech.
He said, “The movie features my experience in the Vietnam War which was deeply related to Okinawa, and the U.S. military base issues in Okinawa, from the view point of the main Island of Japan.”
In the movie, 76-year-old Ishikawa visits Vietnam and Okinawa, and ruminates about the past. It tells the stories of Okinawan people who are still suffering from problems caused by the bases.
Ishikawa covered the Vietnam War as a photojournalist from 1964.
He said, “As an Okinawan who lives in the main Island of Japan, I would like to tell the story of Okinawa to the Japanese.”
(English translation by T&CT)
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