Kadena Town Assembly unanimously passes a resolution to protest against accidents involving U.S. military aircraft

On May 22, Kadena Town Assembly members unanimously passed a written statement to protest against continuing accidents involving parts of the airplane falling away from the U.S. military aircraft.
May 22, 2014 Ryukyu Shimpo
There have been two recent incidents involving parts of aircraft breaking off and falling away. The aircraft were an HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter and an F-15 Eagle. The Kadena Town Assembly has since unanimously passed a written statement and resolution to protest against these accidents in a special session held on May 22. In the resolution, they filed four requests, including prohibition of flight training of the U.S. military aircraft over residential areas.
The assembly members handed over the documents to the Okinawa Defense Bureau on the same day.
A representative of the assembly said, “We have been protesting and asking the U.S. military to inspect the aircraft for safety management every time accidents occur. However, we feel angry that they have not improved the issue.”
The assembly asked the U.S. military to take preventive steps to avoid such accidents, find out the causes and swiftly announce them. They also asked for prohibition of flight training over residential areas.
Assembly member Tsuneaki Okuma, who proposed the resolution, talked about continuing accidents involving F-15 fighters. He said, “Even though the U.S. military claimed that they made doubly sure on the safety of the aircraft, we cannot trust what they say any more. They need to remove the flawed aircraft as soon as possible.”
(English translation by T&CT)
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