People make it a New Year’s resolution to protect landscape of Henoko

The residents see the first sunrise in 2014 at the beach of Henoko, Nago, at 7:00 a.m. on January 1. (Photograph taken by Futoshi Hanashiro)
January 3, 2014 Ryukyu Shimpo
At 7:00 a.m. on January 1, many residents visited a beach at Henoko, Nago, to see the first sunrise of the year. It is the first New Year’s Day since Okinawa Governor Hirokazu Nakaima approved the Henoko landfill for moving the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma. If the government builds the new base, the beach will disappear, and instead, a ten-meter tall concrete wall will appear between a barbed-wire fence and the U.S. Marine Corps Camp Schwab. The residents made it a New Year’s resolution to protect this landscape at the beach, on which the sun cast rays.
At 7:15 a.m. when the sun was due to rise, they could not see it because cloud hanging over the horizon blocked their vision. About five minutes after, the sun began to appear from behind the clouds. The residents prayed to the morning sun and took pictures.
(English translation by T&CT)
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