Second World Youth Uchinanchu Festival to be held in the United States next July

On October 20, at the Okinawa International University in Ginowan, Minami Tamamoto, the director of the Okinawa head office of the WYUA and its members received donated funds from Eishin Chinen, the Chief Councilor and Deputy Director General from the Okinawa Convention and Visitors Bureau.
October 21, 2012, Ryukyu Shimpo
The second World Youth Uchinanchu Festival will be held in Los Angeles at the end of next June. This festival that brings together Uchinanchu youth from all around the globe is organized by the World Youth Uchinanchu Association (WYUA), and the announcement about next year’s event was made at the debrief from the first festival, which was held in Brazil this July. The date for next year’s festival will be confirmed in November, but it is expected to be between July 21 and 31. A total of about 150 people from nine countries in South and North America, Europe, as well as Japan and Okinawa are due to participate.
At the briefing, a ceremony was held to make a donation to the WYUA Fund, which was established through the Mirai Fund Okinawa Inc. Foundation to provide financial support for the festival. One of the initiators of the fund, Eishin Chinen, the Chief Councilor and Deputy Director General from the Okinawa Convention and Visitors Bureau, handed over donations totally 120800 yen collected between June and August to Minami Tamamoto, who is the director of the Okinawa head office of the WYUA.
At the briefing, there were reports on some of the activities from the last festival in Brazil, and afterwards Tamamoto commented, “We would like to create some networks at the next festival.”
WYUA is asking the public for contributions to the fund. Donations can be made in cash or by credit card. Please contact the Mirai Fund Okinawa on 098 884 1123 for further details.
(English translation by T&CT, Kyoko Tadaoka and Mark Ealey)
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