Himeyuri Peace Museum reopens after renovation, “to show that our grandparents’ generation was not just one that experienced war”

The Himeyuri Peace Museum’s reopening on April 12 in Itoman
April 12, 2021 Ryukyu Shimpo
The Himeyuri Peace Museum in Itoman reopened on the morning of April 12 after having renewed their exhibition. The theme of the new exhibition is “A generation that moved away from war,” with the focused turned towards the employees who come from a generation that did not experience war.
The museum opened in 1989, and until its first renewal in 2004 it was centered around the students that were mobilized in the Battle of Okinawa. From 2005 it began an exhibit about those who grew up in an era of war, but the new exhibit after the latest renewal is the first time it was focused on employees who lived through an era without war. The exhibit uses illustrations and exhibits from close relatives who come from an era where experience with war was no longer common, and was devised using easy to understand expressions.
There was a tape-cutting ceremony for the re-opening of the museum on April 12, and museum director Chokei Futenma said in her remarks, “It was necessary for us to show that our grandparents’ generation was not a generation of war, we decided to renew the exhibit. I hope that many people come see our museum.” The museum is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:25 p.m. and admission is free.
(English translation by T&CT and Sam Grieb)

The tape cutting ceremony for the Peace Museum’s renewal
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