Mayor Inamine resolves to continue efforts blocking Henoko relocation

At Nago City Council on March 2 past 11 a.m., Mayor Susumu Inamine declares his administrative policies for 2016 and once more declares his determination to block construction of a new base at Henoko.
March 2, 2016 Ryukyu Shimpo
At a regular meeting of the Nago City Council on March 2, Mayor Susumu Inamine declared his administrative policies for 2016. He said that no matter what happens, he resolves to make continued efforts to block relocation of Futenma Air Station to Henoko, Nago. In doing so he has demonstrated his persistence in opposing relocation.
Mayor Inamine described the security bill enactment as an indicator of impending crisis to the Japanese government’s political approach and the way democracy should function. Furthermore, Okinawa’s displeasure with the Japanese government hastening relocation of Futenma to Henoko and the issuing of subsidies to wards in the vicinity of the relocation site are examples of national-regional concerns. Inamine pointed out that these problems result from Japan’s democracy and local autonomy being shaken.
(English translation by T&CT and Erin Jones)
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