Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko creates Eisa-cise

Members of Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko filmed Eisa-cise at the World Heritage Site Nakagusuku Castle.
September 20, 2012 Ryukyu Shimpo
Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko has completed a film of Eisa-cise, which is a fusion of exercise and eisa that they invented. From October 6, which is during the Worldwide Eisa Festival 2012, the product will be available for a fee on DVD and for download. The project aims to promote health and eisa.
Eisa-cise focuses on training the muscles of the legs and hips, but especially the thighs. It has two levels of tempo – fast and slow, and people can work according to their age and physical capacity to avoid excessive strain.
The dance takes three minutes per song. The DVD includes practice videos filmed in a studio, group performance movies filmed at the World Heritage Site Nakagusuku Castle and an explanation of the effects of the exercise. Takeo Medoruma who is a director in the Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko choreographed the dances and musician Hidekatsu managed the music. He also arranged Jinjin, which is an Okinawan nursery rhyme, created the song to go with it.
The DVD sells for 1575 yen but sales channel have not been decided yet. The digital music costs 1575 yen and will be released at the follow site.
Medoruma said, “It provides very effective exercise. Some of our people even said that they needed a rest after they did it twice. With world health being a catch-cry these days, I would like to take eisa to the world.” For details, call the company in charge of the project, Sun Agency, at 098 (862) 3577.
(English translation by T&CT, Lima Tokumori and Mark Ealey)
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